An easy-to-use JavaScript framework for indoor maps, making it super easy for 3rd party developers and partners to create custom map experiences on top of the MazeMap Indoor Maps.

Announcing MazeMap JS API — a framework that really opens up huge possibilities for existing MazeMap customers, new developers, app makers and software businesses.

Illustration of an example map using the mazemap javascript api

Illustration of an example map using the mazemap javascript api. The example can be found live at the [JS API Documentation Examples page](

Getting more value from MazeMap indoor maps

With the JavaScript API, MazeMap customers and developers are now able to create new, custom map experiences that utilizes the indoor maps and data that is already within the MazeMap platform.

It is now possible to easily add custom elements on top of the maps, create custom events and react to user interactions.

Create customer-specific applications

A lot of businesses and customers that have app developers, wonder how they can integrate the MazeMap indoor maps into the custom applications and web services they are making.

Now, it is just a few lines of code, and they can have a working, interactive indoor map within their own application.

“A few lines of code to get a working, interactive indoor map with the MazeMap Indoor Map JS API” tweet

Example use cases

Along with feedback we have gotten from app developers and customers, we envision a lot of various use cases. Finally, it is possible to add the indoor dimension to existing applications.

  • Room booking/reservation systems
  • Time schedule applications
  • Room inventory information systems
  • Indoor analytics visualizations
  • Information kiosk stations
  • Facility Management systems
  • Hospital/University branded mobile applications

“Finally, it is possible to add the indoor dimension to existing applications” tweet

Built upon Leaflet

The MazeMap JS API is built upon Leafletthe leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.

For developers who already know and love this easy mapping library, you will have no problems using the extended indoor variant, which is the MazeMap JS API.

Supporting plugins

Because of the underlying Leaflet integration, we support using many of the very same map plugins that exists for standard Leaflet maps. Examples of using such plugins with the MazeMap JS API is documented on the plugin examples page.

Illustration showing a map example using heatmap plugin

*Example showing a leaflet heatmap plugin used on top of the MazeMap indoor maps. [Example found here](*

Get started

We also have the documentation and examples for developers.

What do you think?

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